sow vt. (sowed sowed, sown) 1.播,撒;播种,种。 2.散播,传播;惹起。 3.使密布。 Let's sow our field with rice. 让我们在田里种稻子吧。 Tom handed in a paper sown with grammatical mistakes. 汤姆交上去一份满是文法错误的读书报告。 vi. 播种。 You must reap what you have sown. =As a man sows, so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜种豆得豆。 sow discord 散播不和,挑拨离间。 sow the sand 白费气力。 sow the seeds of (revolution) 播下(革命)的种子。 n. 母猪;【冶金】高炉铁水沟;炉底结块;火铸型;沟铁;大型铸铁;【军事】攻城掩舍(=sow bug)。 adj. 〔美国〕雌的。 You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. 猪耳朵做不出丝钱袋来。 sow bosom 〔美国〕腌肋肉,咸肉。 a sow cat 〔美国〕母猫。 as drunk as a (David's, Davy's) sow 烂醉如泥的。 get [have, take] the wrong [right] sow by the ear 〔俚语〕弄错[弄对]人,拿错[拿对]东西;见解错误[不错],论断错误[不错],解答错误[不错](等)。
It is sown in dishonour. it is raised in glory . 所种的是羞辱的,复活的是荣耀的。
Be sure to do the sowing in good time . 确保适时播种。
The grain was sown in drill . 这种谷物是条播的。
Mineral efficient herbs should be sown in strips down the field . 富含矿物质的草本植物应当以条状播入草场。
Sometimes more bitterness is sown in five minutes than can be got rid of in a whole life . 有的时候,五分钟结下的怨,一辈子都解不开。
This apparent contradiction is due to the dominance of some sows in defending the feed hopper . 明显的矛盾是由于有些母猪仍霸占着饲料漏斗。
Nature had sown in the heart of this poor girl the seeds of virtue never destined to ripen . 造化在这个可怜的姑娘的心中播下了并未注定会成熟的美德的种子。
Mineral efficient herbs should be sown in strips down the field to minimize the alleged dangers of too much purity . 富含矿物质的草本植物应当以条状播入草场,以便尽量减少所谓的草场内牧草过于单纯的危险。
The seeds were sown in the spring of 1961, and the resultant seedlings were field-planted in the spring of 1963 in four permanent plantations . 种子是在1961年春天播种,生产的苗木是在1963年春栽植于四个永久性栽植点中。
Those who survived began sowing in the first spring 活下来的人开始在第一个春季里播种。